A conserved biodiversity with sustained livelihoods
The Rurambira community conservancy [RCC]is located in south-western Uganda, and was
formed in 2013 by landowners in the region that borders lake Mburo National park -LMNP to
its west [36,000hectares] and the Nshara Dairy Cross Breeding Ranch [3000hectares]to its
north. Since 2013, the conservancy has expanded to a membership that includes 194
registered landowners covering a total of 9,297 hectares. The area is primarily settled by the
Banyankole people, with some small fishing villages along lake Kakyera consisting of other
tribes mainly Baganda.
Land scape setting.
The Rurambira conservancy lies within the Lake Mburo conservation area and adjacent to
lake Mburo National park.
Due to lake Mburo national parks small size [370Sqkm] the conservancy is an important area
for wildlife dispersal from the park as well as for resident populations of wildlife in the
Traditionally, the pastoralist way of life practices locally has supported the co-existence of
cattle and wildlife on private land in the region. The conservancy came about as e result of a
shift in land use systems, in which local communities have settled and began to fence off
areas of land for crops and agriculture. This has altered the free movement of wildlife and
threatened access to grazing for wildlife, such as zebras and eland.
The VISION of Rurambira conservancy is A conserved biodiversity with sustained
livelihoods by 2040.
The RCC GOAL is working towards achieving a vibrant conservancy that enhances
ecological and social-economic empowerment for the people.
Rcc core values
- Integrity.
- Transparent.
- Clear accountability
- Commitment and dedication
- Stewardship

Protected Area Context
The conservancy, is part of the former Ankole controlled hunting area [CHA] and was
settled by Hamitic tribes for over 500 years. These people led a semi -or fully nomadic life in
search of pasture and water. But deserted the areas after it was infected with tsetse flies and
the area was primarily used as hunting lands with a small number of people living within the
land scape.
The conservancy therefore plays an important role in providing habitat for wildlife within the
overall landscapes. The landscape of Rurambira conservancy is predominantly open,
allowing for the free movement of wildlife. Also, this provides a more flexible environment
to develop tourism facilities in conservancy landscape.
Help us by sharing our campaign!
- +256 702 860 775
- +256 753 321 009
- kabaanamellon7@gmail.com